Monday, December 21, 2009


It is December 09 and the season is Christmas. Many people have already made plans of how they are going to make this year memorable. I heard a Christmas story that just blew me away and thought of sharing it: " A Sunday School Teacher walked in her clas with two Chrikstmas presents. The first present was wrapped in brown paper. The second was wrapped in sparkly colourful paper. The kids chose the sparkly present as their treat for the day." The teacher went to explain that Jesus came in a brown wrapping paper. He was born in a stable and hardly had a warm blanket when the birth attendant(Joseph) received him on earth! Apart from the poor shepherds and some foreign visitors (so called magi),nobody really cared about his birth. Fast forward to age 20 to 30. Still, nobody cared except for some 12 illiterate loyal followers, the sick, the lame, the blind and a few curious Jews. Yet this is the person we call THE SON of GOD or appropriately Emmanuel (God with us)! He certainly did not receive the appropriate gift of recognition as the liberator of mankind. You can mke a difference by choosing him as your best gift for the 2009 Christmas. Choose Him as your saviour and friend and present Him with your the best gift ever! He is just waiting for your decision. He just wants you as a friend (see John 15:15).

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